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Hon. Ira B. Warshawsky on Panel at the CLE Seminar, "Best Practices for Mediating Construction Defect Claims"

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Event Date: June 23, 2017
Event Time: 9:00 am
Topic: Best Practices for Mediating Construction Defect Claims
Type: Seminar
Venue: 122 East 42nd street, suite 803, New York, NY 10168

On June 23rd, Hon. Ira B. Warshawsky will be on panel at CLE semiar, "Best Practices for Mediating Construction Defect Claims," presented by NAM and the New York Law Journal. Topics to be addressed include, logistical issues and challenges, pre-mediation communications, aggregating the parties and their issues, structuring the mediation sessions, etc. Program begins at 9:00am, at the NAM NYC office at 122 East 42nd street, suite 803, New York, NY 10168.