Kevin Schlosser, Partner and Chair of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department, participated as a CLE Instructor at the American Bar Association annual meeting at the New York Hilton on August 8, 2008. Mr. Schlosser shared the panel for this presentation with some of the preeminent experts in the area of e-discovery. Participating in the program were Honorable Shira Scheindlin, United States District Judge, Southern District of New York and author of the leading decisions in Zubulake v. UBS Warburg, LLC; Honorable Ira Warshawsky, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Nassau County Commercial Division, author of numerous leading state-court electronic discovery decisions; Paul Neale, of Doar Litigation Consulting; Jon Swergold, partner at Greenberg Traurig, P.A., who was the chair of the program; and Jamie Moore, partner at Bradley, Arant, Rose and White, LLP, Birmingham, Alabama. The program involved discussion of pre-litigation planning, finding and preserving electronically stored information, litigation holds, privilege issues, the scope of e-discovery and the circumstances under which sanctions may be imposed for failure to comply with e-discovery obligations.